1. Education and Training
The development and the improvement of human resources quality is performed in house traing and in public course.
In House TrainingThe training is performed in the corporation needing a training. The training content and technique could be set to specific needs of the firms, so the obyective of the training cold be accomplished. The Public CourseThe course is periodically arranged for the public by offering topics being needed by the business communities.
The education and training are instruced by the profesional trainers consisting of the practitioner and the academician.
2. Information Development
In the information development, IBRDC activities consist of the information arragement and the information publication. The activities include the information formation, and the computerized application program in a business. IBRDC also helps the corporation needing to form its directory as the information facilities and to arrange a seminar and a workshop to provide the information for the business communities.
3. Consultancy
IBRDC prepares the consultancies services and the direct guidance to the corporation or the businessman (or woman) as his/her needs, including the forming of the job analysis and the job discription, the employee recruitments, the business feasibility study, the arragement of the corporate plan, etc.
4. Research
The research activities is carried out for getting the information used by the corporation management in forming the strategy and the decision making. The activities consist of the macro-environment analysis, the consumer analysis, the competition analysis, the business problem solving research, the business proble identication research, etc.