Penulis: Setyaningsih ? Universitas Airlangga Surabaya [ 25/6/2007 ] The fast development of mutual fund that had occurred in second year of 1996. Later on in the first year of 1997, 35 new mutual find existed. During 17 months since the first mutual funds was agreed to be affective ( the end of August 1996 ), and at the end of October 1997 there had been another new 69 mutual funds with total fund of Rp. 3, 373 trillion which was from 19, 887 investor. In 2000, there had also been 87 mutual funds with total assets of Rp. 5, 442, 115 million. The growth of such mutual funds was due to some reasons such as it can be beneficial of giving diversification, considered liquid enough, and deemed to more profit compared to the deposit. Since it is considered new by society informed about mutual fund especially about the risks in mutual funds. Keywords : mutual fund, Net Assets, ANOVA, Performance. |